
Any Maynard resident who wants to raise their voice to ban SGARs.

Save Maynard Wildlife is a group dedicated to reducing the use of rat poisons called Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs), in Maynard, Massachusetts.

The intended use of these poisons is to control the rodent population; unfortunately, they cause the unintentional deaths of owls, hawks, eagles, foxes, coyotes, and other rodent predators, in addition to dogs and cats who eat the poisoned rodents.

On widespread, established rodent populations such as what Maynard may have, SGARs are being found not to work, as they indirectly kill rodent predators, which means the loss of valuable rodent control. They also don't keep up with rodent reproduction, which is increasing due to warmer temperatures.

Our goal is to ban the use of SGARs in Maynard and to help the schools and town, and eventually the residents and businesses manage rodents effectively without SGARs.

We are planning to present a citizen petition for a restriction on SGARs on public property in Maynard at Spring Town Meeting. Sign the citizen's petition now up to 3/15 and we hope you'll come out to vote on May 19, 2025.

Contact us

Write us at savemaynardwildlife@gmail.com for more information or to get involved.